Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life at a crosswalk...

Today I think to myself that I am sort of at a crosswalk...

I'm waiting for the little guy to pop up on the screen across the street, so I can walk across to the other side. What I mean by this is simply I am in a place where I sort have to wait. I mean that figuratively of course, because if I just sat around and waited I would fail out of school.

I am not anywhere near where I thought I was going to be if you had asked me three years ago, even one year ago. I have experienced more in the last year than I thought I could have handled, but I have an amazing God, who loves me everyone else out there. I have made some mistakes, done some things i'm not proud of, but who has a clean slate? No one of course. We can try to put on a an act, but at the end of the day when we look ourselves in the mirror, we know we screwed up. We know that we are a failure at life in a lot of ways (at least I know I am). I need God, that's for darn sure.

I have known what it is like to lose a friend, love someone who hates you, be awakened by a nightmare only to find that when you wake up it doesn't go away. I know what it feels like to hurt, as I know a lot of people do. My hurt and pains are not all in vain, for God has used them to make me stronger. If you would have asked me a year ago if I would ever go to Japan, let alone Asia for that matter, I would have surely said "no". But God brought me to Asia with a great group of people and that country changed my life.

I believe that God will bring me back there someday, I don't know how or when but I just feel it. God is faithful and consistent. He is with us in our biggest blunders, and although those decisions we make are not necessarily in alignment with His will, He is able and willing to right our wrongs. We just have to believe and know that Christ's death and gift was FO REALS!

So as I sit here waiting on God's calling me across the street, I will continue to learn, pray, get hurt, feel joy, cry, stumble, get back up and start again, or do whatever, but I will always know that He is there...

God Bless


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Well th th th.... tha... that's all folks...

So in a round about way, this will be my last trip-related post.

We are up real early in the morning, and a little slap happy... Its all good though. This trip has been possibly one of the best of my life (other than maybe this last summer with my Dad :)). I have learned that there is a lot out there that you can't find in America. I know that there are hurting and lost people all over the world, I mean I knew it before, but its so evident over in Japan. Their lifestyle and way of living is so radically different to how most of us live, its sort of shocking. It saddens me to think about how many people go unheard and unnoticed in that country. There is a level of impersonal that is unrivaled by anything I've ever seen. I just want give everyone a big hug over there. Idk... We met some amazing people, whom I wish to someday meet up, do ministry with, or just hang out with again eventually. Helping with the Hi-BA, and YWAM stuff was pretty awesome. I liked getting to meet other college students from all over the world. It was just wow. Amazing to see how God draws people together.

Now I am faced with a whole bunch of school work, which I hope I can get done and do well on. I figure that I will just have to slowly crank it out, and pray my profs are understanding. I have my massive history paper to basically start, a book to finish, a sociology paper to write, and I feel like a million other things, but regardless I will be busy.

I am also in an interesting phase of searching right now. I really feel like I am supposed to do something with music, I'm not sure what, but I think its supposed to be something. I pray and hope that I just fall into God's will on that one, because I am sure that it will be well worth the wait or time of preparation. I hope that I can continue to grow and learn more about the ways of God and the world as I gain years of age. I believe that this upcoming summer could be a pivotal point in my life. I hope to stay focused on what God has for me, and keep the people he has me surrounded with close to my heart. God Bless all and I'm glad you've been following our Japan voyage


Monday, March 22, 2010

Well then...

We tried to get on a standby flight this morning and it didn't turn out so well.

So 5 of us are stuck in Atlanta still. 2 of us are going to get out on a flight tonight and will be arriving in Ft. Wayne this evening. The rest will depart tomorrow at 12.

Its been a trying few days, I am not very patient with airport procedures. It definitely tries my ability to show Christ's love to everyone that's for sure. Praise God for giving me the strength to keep my cool in some situations. I am happy to say I did not flip out on any airport staff.

We are now watching videos in our hotel room, from our voyage to Japan. FUN STUFF!

I'm going to prolly leave the blog at this tonight, I'm pretty mentally tired and not with it so yea haha...


Sunday, March 21, 2010

What a day...

So we didn't come back home tonight...

We got to our flight in Japan, ready to make it to Huntington, and yea Atlanta happened.

Our flight did not take off at 7:10, 7:30, 8:00, or 8:30. In fact our flight didn't leave at all... lol.

So now we are at the local Best Western Hotel, and its a pretty good setup. I am enjoyin the goods, we have free wireless, and yea its a good place. So we are making the best of it.

The trip overall was absolutely amazing. I enjoyed probably every minute. I praise God for the opportunity that could not have happened without the help of everyone that supported us. Thank you so much for all who helped, with finances, prayer and overall support. I just wow. I can't believe that we spent two weeks in Japan. Like ya its so sweet. So anyways, I also want to comment on the TV i've been watching here in the hotel. Crazy stuff, looks like history was made tonight, and yea I'm not real sure how I feel about it.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the US and all this craziness.

Anyways God Bless and I will let ya'll know when I make it to my dormroom


Saturday, March 20, 2010


Tonight was our last night in Japan...

Its definitely bitter sweet for me. I have absolutely and positively fallen in love with this country. I have such a burden for the people of Japan now. I am not quite sure why other than God is maybe trying to tell me something.

Today was pretty straight forward... BAZINGA

Actually the whole day has been an adventure that I would be glad to tell in full but i am fading fast haha... So briefly:

Josh and I got lost this morning and were an hour and a half late to meet, we helped the Bauman's pack, then went to a workmans store, it was closed, Katsu pulled some of his ninja moves and got us some Jika Tabi shoes, then we went to Hi-BA, rocked for Jesus and came back to the Johnsons where I am about to go sleep, goodnight :) haha much love



Friday, March 19, 2010

Its coming to an end... No!!!!

So today was yet another amazing day in the life of a member of Aperture.

We started out the day in search of a special shoe that is made here in Japan called the Jika Tabi. Its a sort of hooved shoe, or the mix between a flipflop and a shoe. All morning we searched with no luck. The main purpose for our voyage was that Zach has been wanting these shoes ever since he remembered last weekend, and these shoes were kind of the only thing that he wanted, so it was up to us to find them. Having shopped in the fashion section of Shibuya with the girls yesterday we were all for going our own way today, little did we know it would be such an adventure.

Thanks to Tim we did end up finding a store that sold a more fashionable shoe than what we were originally intending to find. But it worked out in the end, well sort of. The type Zach wanted wasn't in his size so he didn't get any, but we at least found them. We are hoping that we might have a chance to go to another store tomorrow.

So after our search this morning we went to go eat in a place that was amazing, like fo real fo real. After our lunch we met up with Chris, the youth Pastor from Tokyo Baptist Church. Then we went to set up and rock for Jesus, and that was basically our day today. Its definitely sad that we are going home in two days :/ but that does mean that life will bring more days in which we can serve the Lord, praise God. So anyway, God Bless you all who have been reading. As soon as I get better internet I'll finish uploading the pictures on facebook, until then Good Bye


Thursday, March 18, 2010

More Ministry...


Today we had a great day, as usual :). It started with some sleepin in time, and then at some Mr. Doughnut. OH YEA! then hopped on the trains and started off towards Shibayu.

We had an awesome night in ministry, playing worship and stuff, yea so no joke, I kind of had an interesting moment tonight with God, I will explain in a later blog, but I can't focus right now and yea so I am going to hit the hay, Good Night all :)


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 11ish...

SO today... :) we had an amazing day.

It started with an early rise, we went to the Grace church in the western suburb of Tokyo. We started with an early morning chapel. Acoustic set, yea BALLIN! We then went to a pre-school and put on a little kids ministry show. That was really neat, and those kids were absolutely adorable, like wow...

I don't know what it is about Japanese kids, but they are like holy cow cute, like fo real fo real. I could jus take em home with me :). Then after the preschool we came back to teach a music class after lunch. That was an amazing time. It wasn't a very musical music class, but we did teach the kids some songs, and showed them some stuff on our instruments. After the class, we practiced a little bit and then headed out for some great band discussion and stuff. Then came back and had probably one of the greatest prayer sessions ever. Then yet again had a great night of worship :)...

All in all a great day, had some great discussion, great praise time, and great everything. Hope all is well wherever you are. God Bless...


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 10, wow...

So today we went to Tokyo again for some more sight seeing, this was our last day we had that we could actually devote to sight seeing... We went to the Edo-Tokyo Museum, and it was really cool... the only thing was that I was so tired I kind of breezed through and then took a nap haha... After that we kind of ventured around Tokyo for 4-5 hours shopping and doing other numerous things, checking out all kinds of shops and stores. We ate at a revolving Sushi bar today and yea it was amazazazing :)

After Tokyo we headed back to the Johnson's house, well me and Josh did at least. We ate dinner and then went to THE PUBLIC BATHS! This was probably one of the most amazing experiences ever. Yes at first it was awkward, but after you get past the original awkward part, its an amazingly enjoyable experience. There were like 10 baths to choose from and yea I tried em all. They were all absolutely amazing I can't say it enough. I feel so relaxed right now, like more than ever. I really am jealous of how the Japanese handle bathing, its superior to anything i've ever seen or heard of haha... SO yea... anyways

Well I am pretty tired and relaxed so I am going to hop off here and call it a night, but I hope that you are all having a wonderful day today being blessed :)

God Bless


Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 9 for sure :)

Well today is Monday in Japan.

I had an amazing time at the conference, grew in a lot of areas of my life thanks to an awesome God and amazing group of people. I forgot to blog yesterday, I apologize for anyone reading my updates. But I did blog on the band site haha... :)

So yea, today we helped with the kids and then packed our stuff up and then went to downtown Tokurizawa and tried some Japanese Karaoke, and omw it was freakin amazing :) like wow... so much fun, I sang some Creed and Nickelback and jus yea, had an amazing time :). I finished up some gift shopping as well. Yea you probably know who you are. Thank you so much to all who have supported me and our cause to play for the Japanese people and missionaries stationed here. We are doing some great stuff and yea jus its amazing. Well we are fellowshipping right now and I am sort of out of the loop, so I am going to finish up this post and say good night and God Bless :)


Friday, March 12, 2010

Day... i'm not quite sure to be honest :)

Well, with our most intense day through, it was time to relax a little this morning. All the hustle and bustle of the whole trip was very exciting, but it was really nice to sleep in today. I personally missed breakfast, but I will survive until lunch so its not that bad. I hand washed my clothes today, that should be an interesting result for me in the near future haha... I hope they dry soon...

Today we will be helping with Kid's ministry and our one service tonight, its going to be a great day :) update lata :) (10:11am)

Ok so I found out that its for sure day 7 haha... but anyways... We had a great day, started off the day helping with the kids in the lesson that Jessi and Elise shared, I was sort of a glorified babysitter, but that's ok with me :). I got to watch a lil guy named Owen draw a crap ton of pictures of food, it brightened my day that's for sure. After that we went to go do laundry in the town close by, named Naka-Karuizawa, I hadn't finished all of mine by hand, so I took some. When we got there and put the laundry in, I took off with the guys, and then went off on my own. I went to this coffee house, the Shaker Coffee House, and dang it was awesome :). This guy was so cool, and I left my Japanese Language book in the room back at the retreat :/ so I was on my own.

It worked out in the end, because we talked a little about his job and where I was from, and yea it was just a great time. Then I went back to the laundry, and I checked in with the guys and then took off down the other direction, only to find one of the coolest places yet. A JAPANESE SUPERMARKET!!!! I got gifts for tons of people in there, and I can't wait to give them to them when I get back home/school. I am like wow, super stoked :)... so yea.

Then tonight's worship set went awesome as usual, and yea. We all helped with the kids after, I didn't really help with the kids tonight, because I plan on it in the morning and I did this morning. That is basically the day. I am so so blessed to be here, and Jessica has been an awesome leader of this trip, everyone has been great, but yea I am just so blessed with everything :) thank you Lord... :)

Night all


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 5, or 6 back home :)

Today was an early start... getting up at 6:45am here time, and 4:45pm home time, I got a shower at the retreat center, and its definitely not Katsu and Hideko's house haha...

Its just fine though. I once heard from a man that "its not true ministry unless you are sufferin' for Jesus" and I can definitely see some truth to that. The reason i think so is that when we are comfortable its easy to minister and serve, whereas on the flip-side it can be extremely difficult to serve when we are not comfortable. I pray that God will help me to overcome the discomfort (which he most definitely has already), but that He will continue to. This morning we are going to have breakfast at the retreat center and I am excited to see what we are going to have. I will again, update later with more information and blogging items, but for now I leave you with a God Bless and good morning :) Take care all...(7:45am)

So as the rest of the day went on... it turned out to be our busiest day yet. We played three services today, one at 9:00am, 1:30pm, and 6:45pm. Wow... I'm so drained but I got some great pics of us helping with the kids today so I can't wait to upload some of them for you all to see...

It has been a crazy day for me in a lot of ways. Some I can't really go into detail about but yea... So I am hangin with Josh right now, and its pretty cool, we are listening to some Shane and Shane. Pretty tight if ya know what I mean. Of course I gotta say to my boy Bruce, I'm stayin metal. I laid out some pretty tight solos today, messed up a few but ehhh it happens. Yea so overall it was another great day for ministry, our most intense yet, but we had an amazing closing worship service tonight OMW... yea we all shared some testimony and then Tyler shared his whole one with us tonight, it was a good night, great bonding, great fellowship and yea, just a great day/'night.

So I am off to finish uplaoding pics and then go to bed... night all!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 4, first at the conference.

So. . .

Today we head to the Asian Access conference at a retreat center about an hour away. I am really hoping they have internet so I can keep updating, but if not I wanted to give a final update before I left. So right now I am packing my stuff up because this will be our last night with our first host family.

One thing I have learned is that being a servant is probably one of the best ways we can exemplify Christ, and this host family has probably been the closest to perfect at that part as I've ever seen. They do things for us without a second thought and can barely speak our language, its truly God's kingdom at work. I am loving every minute of this place and can't wait to continue ministering through song :) its about breakfast time, so I am actually going to post this early, and then come back and edit it if the resort we stay at has internet. So yea, God Bless

Well yet again, God has used Aperture in some great ministry. We played for the Asian Access conference retreat. On top of that we helped with the children's ministry aspect of the conference. There will be some video and pics of some of that on my facebook and some on the sites of other band member's choosing. So definitely check those out.

One thing i learned today is that God can use any situation to provide us with an opportunity to grow. I am learning so much about myself on this trip as well as learning how to become a better minister of God's will for loving all. Thank you to all who have helped in sending us here. God Bless you and thanks for your continued prayer :)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Third THird THIRD DAY!

Good Morning...

So today yet again breakfast is smelling amazing, and I can't wait to get going on our first day of ministry. We head out at 7:40am, and probably will not get back from the school we are playing at until oh... 10:00pm or so... Will most definitely blog to tell of the day though so bye bye for now (6:54am)

Wow... awesome first day of ministry. I love playin music for kids... It's awesome stuff... great work and yea it just is amazing. GOD IS GOOD THAT's fo sho!!!

So we played a morning service at Jessica's high school, and then later in the evening at a youth group event. I also went around by myself this afternoon and took some pics of the town and the surrounding area. It was a very calming environmentally absorbing moment of the trip for me. I just went around and took pictures and soaked in the Japanese city life.

I Am so blessed to be here, and am really developing a heart for all of God's Japanese children, lost and found. I wonder where God will take me after college and if Japan is in the horizon for me again one day.

I am so beat yet again, so I am going to go... and sleep... and yea... sleep.... zzz..zzz...zzz... oh not yet... but yea

Goodnight everyone...


Monday, March 8, 2010

Second Day in the land of the Rising Sun...


I am bloggin a little early to start because I can't seem to sleep all the way through the night. I just keep waking up like two hours before my alarm. I guess its because of all the all nighters and late nights from my years in college so far, throwin me off my sleep schedule haha. Either way its a pretty sweet house me and Zech are in. We have like our own room, we have to share, but its so sweet. So yea I might try and go back to sleep and finish this post up later :) (6:50am)

Didn't quite get back to sleep but...

So we got up today to one of the sweetest breakfasts i've ever had. We had this awesome Japanese toast, followed by some American-style, and Japanese-style scrambled eggs. Then we had this really cool soup made from corn, milk, and some other stuff. As well as some sausage. I am just loving it here, and am so blessed to have this opportunity. Thanks again to everyone who helped send us and all who are still praying for us and thinking about us. (9:38am-More to Come)


So it was yet again another great day. We went to the electronic district in Tokyo, and met a new friend Reichi (if that's how you spell his name). He led us around and showed us some sweet shops and places. We went to the @home cafe today as well. That was an interesting experience in which at first I had no idea what was going on... I thought I did, but then it was like ummm what? haha... So yea, we walked a whole bunch today like everywhere it felt like. I got a Japanese knife and some music stuff. I am so tired so I will cut this blog entry short and post a pic. I bid you all goodnight and yea goodnight...

To talk about the picture up top. I took this picture to show that even in Japan, a fairly industrialized country, and a place that I thought had a lot more than America in some regards, but this man reminded me that brokenness and hurt and need is everywhere. I don't know about you but yea it just makes me feel like I could be doing more... so anyway, just let this pic speak to you...


Second Day...

Well today we started out waking up at Jessica's house, then we had a delightful, but yet slightly familiar breakfast with muffins and bagels. We then got our money situation squared away, and after that it was off to Tokyo to visit a Buddhist temple. Around the temple there was lots of tourist-ish shops and we got to help a bunch of Japanese student's projects. We also saw a guy who was totally tryin to pull off Hugh Jackman look-alike. Then we went to a Japanese fast food joint, that was great!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE FOOD HERE AHHHHHHHH!!!!! After that we just kind of moseyed through Tokyo...

Then we moved toward the Imperial palace. We couldn't get very close, but it was still cool to go. We got to see tons of different things in Tokyo, and grabbed some Bubble Tea and Crepes (and when I drank the Bubble Tea it definitely reminded me of the time I drank it with Jessey Forsyth, and I hope your reading this :)) After the bubble tea a lot of the day is kind of a blur... We rode a lot, and I mean a lot of trains... haha... TONS OF TRAINS... GOBS OF TRAINS!!!!

Then we had a nice dinner at Jessica's with all the host families, and me and Zech went off to ours. We absolutely love these people :). Katsu is a great photographer with an awesome blog (http://Weltgeist.exblog.jp/m2010-03-01/). Him and his wife have been very gracious so far and I am positive that won't change. We are looking forward to beginning what we came here to do wednesday. We had a pre-conference jam session tonight and it was awesome. Now I am getting ready for bed because I am still al little jet-lagged and exhausted haha... so yea I bid you farewell and goodnight (everyone who is reading this) :)


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Arrival... :)


After 24 hours of traveling, we made it safe and sound to Japan. Greeted by Jessica’s (one of our vocalists) dad, we were met at the airport and instantly treated with some good ole’ fashioned Japanese/American/idk hospitality. I am already in awe that I am in a new country, it quite honestly blows my mind that I’m half way across the globe. It is currently 9:30pm here while it is 14 hours behind at home. We are all right now sitting in Jessica’s house winding down from our long day. It has been one awesome day. We finished up the evening with devotions and are getting ready for bed. Oh and the shower here was absolutely EPIC!!!!!

I want to thank everyone who has been praying for us and all those thinking about us. We are about to start our tour in the morning and so excited to see what God has in store.

God Bless


Monday, March 1, 2010

Days in March...

Well, I am getting ready to go on possibly the single most fascinating journey of my life.

Japan... that's right Japan...

I am heading to the land of the rising sun, and hoping that I rock some faces for Jesus. I hope to see the world from a different light, through the crimson lens of Japanese culture. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. We have been preparing for this trip since December and its finally here. YES!

I hope I can get all my work done amidst the excitement.

Oh and I will be blogging everyday I am in Japan so stay tuned :)
