Friday, August 12, 2011

A new year, and... a final year.

Fall 2011,

When I thought about what I'd be doing this fall fours years ago, I sure as heck thought I would be graduated and teaching math. But, now, I'm studying history, getting ready to take the LSAT, and hopefully going to law school in the fall of 2012. Not only has this year had it's ups and downs, growth and hindrance, but it's had its astoundingly joyous moments. I proposed to Kaitlyn Mullin on July 10th of this year 2011. When she said yes, she made me the happiest man in the world, at least as far as I know :). God has been so good to us, and I can't wait to see what He has for us in the future.

On top of this, I've realized that this year is crucial for our success as a family one day. This year, I'm going to work to make sure I don't waste my time. I will enjoy my last year in college as well as making it worth every minute. I want to ensure that I continue to grow towards the man of God He would want me to be, as well as growing my mind into a fierce machine of logical argumentation. I have really dug into life and what it means to be human lately. I've been frustrated, exhilarated, over-stimulated, and contemplative. It's been an intense process. At the end of the day I'm thankful for the questions that have been answered as well as the new ones come about.

I'm excited for this year, and I can't wait to start posting more again. Sorry it's been a while to anyone following. Thanks


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 2011

It's been a while since my last entry...

So I'll start this one by saying welcome.  It's good to be writing again.  Today I sit here with many hours passed, many minutes of Law and Order SVU watched, more LSAT studied, and music played.  I work barely ever, but I'm really enjoying my law internship.  This summer is crazy busy and may be getting busier.  Things are looking up for various areas of my life, some of which I can't disclose until after a certain thing happens - because I don't want some beautiful redhead named Kait do know what I'm up to ;).  I've really gained some helpful experience.

My law internship has helped me realize that their is hope for America's system of law.  I before believed that the system was flawed and in desperate need of renovation.  But after a few short weeks observing at the law firm I've realized that it really works to the benefit of all citizens.  The law is truly designed to presume innocence until guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt.  What is reasonable doubt one may ask?  Well typically that is the issue, how to truly convince a jury beyond a certain point, reasonable doubt, that a defendant is in fact guilty.  I honestly find the side of the prosecution to be more drawing, or at least I want to maybe be a prosecutor one day, but who knows right?

Working at Abercrombie is great.  The only problem is the time I'm not working their, which is a lot.  I barely ever get hours, and I'm not complaining, it just sucks.  I need to be making more money if I'm going to be marrying a girl next year.  Above all, I know that God will provide so long as I keep trusting in Him to do so.

This was more or a less a "hey summer's-going-well blog entry."  I will try to post more, but for now this is it.  I hope all is well with you, the reader! God Bless


Friday, April 29, 2011

End of my 1st senior year...


I just returned to my room from chapel.  I am at a loss for words.  This year has gone by so fast.  I've been through a lot.  I have really changed a lot since August 2010.  For the first time ever I'm actually working at being a "good" student.  I'm getting grades that I probably should have been getting all the time.  I'm working through issues in my faith and relationship with Christ.  I'm really engaging in this world and digging in to my soul - to figure out what God has for me in this life.  I'm completely, and utterly blown away at how amazing of a relationship I have with Kaitlyn.  She's truly a beautiful person, and my best friend.  No other person in the world knows me like she does and yet she loves me the same.  It feels great to be loved like that.  What it has made me realize is how much more God love us.  If we experience genuine love from another person, and they are just a person, imagine, just try, to grasp how much God, our creator, loves us.  It boggles my mind.  Granted, I'm not your typical Christian, but who is.  I sin with the best of them.  I screw up all the time, but I'm doing my best with what God gave me. 

One of the things I want to emphasize is how much I am growing a passion for the broken and downtrodden in this world.  Why?  Because I once was one of them, even since being a Christian, I would say that at times I could totally have been considered desolate.  There have been days, even sometimes lately, where I feel totally and utterly depraved.  I find comfort in the fact that I have an amazing woman to love, who happens to love me.  Then, I also find peace in the fact that I have a God whose love I really cannot even comprehend.  Mind-altering, life-shaping, love.  God = Love, and according to Rob Bell (Love Wins) :).  But for real, I agree with him.  Love does win.  At the end of the day it's the only thing that can overcome all obstacles, because it's a choice, a painful choice where we have to sacrifice our needs and wants.  Love is uncomfortable, hard, not appealing to the faint of heart, and no one should mistaken true love with the feelings of infatuation.  Interestingly enough I feel like we can relate our relationships with God like a marriage - or at least a committed marriage, not one with a prenup.

God does say we are Christ's bride in the Bible.  To me, that sounds like a marriage.  In a marriage, one make s life-long commitment.  Life-long!!!! Like till death do us part life-long?  Yes.  I believe the commitments to Christ and a spouse are the same, granted with Christ, once you give your life to him, you are given everlasting life, so your commitment is eternal.  Is that why Christianity and following Christ is hard?  Of course.  Christ is our spouse.  The troubles in marriage should also appear in a committed relationship with our Lord, right?  I believe it's the truth.  How else would one explain some of the difficulties, the doubt, the not always wanting to serve Christ every morning.  It sounds the same as a marriage to me.  This has been something on my mind lately, and I just figured I'd share.  The benefit of this, is that Christ, unlike modern American culture, will not ever, ever divorce us.  He will stick with us no matter how awful we are.  That's great news!  The crazy thing is: that's how we are supposed to commit to our spouses (or in my case future spouse).  It's not impossible to work through a commitment like that.  But, without God, I would say it approaches the limits of human capabilities.  Billy Graham's wife Ruth was quoted saying once, after being asked if she'd ever considered divorce "Divorce? No... Murder? Yes..."  Now she never murdered Mr. Graham, but it goes to show the nature of a commitment like marriage.  Till death do us part, means TILL DEATH!

So, be encouraged that when we face difficult times in our walks with Christ, it's normal, just like difficulties are normal with a marriage.  God Bless all, thanks


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Crazy times... one more year before reality...

Today, I turned in the second of my three big papers for the semester.  Boy did it feel good.  I feel progress happening to me, and that is a new feeling - well I guess it's sort of new.  This semester has seen its ups and downs.  I've lost friends, gained friends, hurt people, made up with others, worked hard, slacked off... the usual semester right?  Well, what I've come to realize is: this life is really short.  I'm so bad at worrying about what tomorrow brings or what next week looks like, that I miss out on today.  I need to get my life straight, and by that I mean just organized.  I've started to really align my priorities, but I haven't managed to line up my time management with those priorities.  I see what I want to accomplish, but I can't reach it because I keep blurring my path with unnecessary worry and disorganization.  This summer, I am going to get organized, simplify my life, and work toward saving some more money so I can buy a ring for a certain special girl. ;)

That's right, I asked Kait's dad this past weekend if I could ask her to marry me.  :) I'm so so so so excited.  I have really really found what I've been praying for in her.  She is the most amazing woman I've ever come in contact with.  Most days I wake up and can't believe that she's dating me.  Our relationship truly is awesome, because we are best friends at heart. I love her so so so much and can't wait to begin our life together.  It was definitely the best Easter ever, in my lifetime that is, because I'd say the best one was the first one. :)  So I just wanted to update.  I'm tired of typing today, so I'm gonna end this entry early.  God Bless everyone


Saturday, April 16, 2011

#Love #Wins

Today, April 16, 2011

I literally just finished Rob Bell's new book Love Wins.  My thoughts?  Well... I thoroughly enjoyed it.  This work offers light to a perspective that I feel all Christians can at least open an ear to.  I know it's done one thing, and that is make me want to go through the New Testament again - specifically the Gospel.  I just can't get over how refreshing it is to read something like that.  I mean, granted, I was on my guard a bit because of all I've heard.  "Rob Bell is a Universalist," "Rob Bell is way off," "Rob Bell took one step too far over the edge this time."  All those things sound exactly like America's religious culture not even 200 years ago.  People in Christianity, well... not even just people but prominent leaders, the Billy Graham's, Martin Luther's, John Wesley's, etc, were radically passionate about pursuing God.  This set them apart.  This made them - as DC Talk likes to say - "Jesus Freaks."  On that same note, a lot of men and women like those mentioned were rejected by many, or at least what they were preaching.  Random fact related to this topic ( I guess it's not random), but did you know that the idea of premillennialism (the idea that man is currently living in the time before Christ's second coming and that all Christians will be taken to heaven in the rapture before the tribulation - if you aren't sure what I'm talking about just look up premillennialism on wikipedia) didn't become widely recognized as orthodox until at least the 1800's?  I know that I had no clue until the other day in my American Religious History class - which by the way is my favorite class in college EVER!  Also I forget the name of the belief that premillennialism stemmed from and I will post it as soon as I talk to Dr. Webb on Monday. 

The only reason I bring that up is to show that such a strong belief - at least held in evangelical circles - was concreted within the last 100-150 years.  That is not that long in the context of Christianity.  Christ died almost 2000 years ago.  That means that this belief has been considered orthodox by some Christian groups for not even 10% of the time since Christ's death.  I don't know about you but that is quite peculiar.  Anyways back to Rob Bell.  The reason I brought all this up is that there have been people like him, with views conflicting orthodox belief, for centuries.  It's what has made theology more refined.  I believe that a lot can be applied to any Christians life from Love Wins. For instance the idea that the kingdom of heaven is here... NOW!!! What do I mean by that? Well, we as Christians have an opportunity to serve others around us, make the world a better place, think about others and this world more than ourselves.  If we live like the Kingdom of Heaven is here now, we will work to improve this world and treat suffering with love and care.  Give food to the starving.  Shelter the homeless, etc.  I'm not saying to sell everything you own and go be Shane Claiborne (again if you don't know him, look him up, he's huge on this stuff), but if we just make the effort to look around, observe what around us needs our love, and see to serving that need, this world will start to really look more like the Kingdom.  On the other hand, what Bell says in his book, if we live like we are just waiting for the next world or just working towards ensuring our ticket to heaven is valid, we will miss out on what Christ wants us to accomplish while we still have breath.

At the end of the day I would rate Bell's book an 8/10.  It could have had more substance, but it was a good quick read.  Very insightful and extremely relevant to contemporary Christian culture.  I would recommend it to any Christian.  My only advice would be to not just take everything he says for truth.  Because, the only truth, comes from God.

Hope this post was helpful, God Bless
