So basically I have again been really slacking on reading but I genuinely want to focus on what God wants me to do so now, no matter how tired I am I am going to force myself to read at least 5-7 verses of the bible a night b4 I go to bed. at first it may seem monotonous but eventually it will pay off, and I know this because of a previous time in my life in which I read the bible everyday for probably a period of close to 6 months. So I hope that all that are reading this would pray for me as I am still rehabbing my shoulder and pursuing God's will for my life.
In other news, College is like almost a month away and I never thought I'd say this but "I'm very excited about school starting up"
I really miss everyone at Evangel I have great friends back here at home, but the relationships I developed at Evangel are very important to me, and I feel as though I moved away from my family (weird sounding right??) but yeah so I look forward to seeing you all in the fall, God Bless and stay Classy