First weekend spent at Huntington University...
Well... it was labour day weekend and I didn't go home. I sure am glad... I love my family and friends but it was neat to get to experience the new school without all the bells and whistles of orientation weekend.
It started Friday with a funival. I slipped and slided, wow, yea that was fun to feel like a junior higher I guess for a little bit, getting muddy and soapy. My RA Jared Murray, convinced me to go, I reluctantly agreed, but dang was I glad he got me out of the room :)... After the funival we came back to clean up and proceeded to go and play a rousing two rounds of mafia... a fun filled mystery game involving the lowly people of the city of townsville... I was a mason, and a town's person. Was pretty accurate in my votes towards the perspective mafia members... coming back I got to talk to one of my new friends, Tyler White. A great guy, it was good to make a connection with some new people here on campus. Then Jared and I watched a movie and we talked about the week, and called it a night. I've been blessed with great friends already here at Huntington. From my roommate Minkailu to the guys in Baker Curtis and Nathan. Then Tyler over in Wright, and of course the guys on Miller 3rd and my fellow math major Jared G (who is a straight up genius). I know that God has placed all these guys in my life for a specific and divine reason. I can't thank Him enough. God truly has turned one of the worst beginnings of a week of my life, to possibly one of the greatest...
To discuss this a little bit...
I really and truly believe that we are allowed to go through hard times, but when we reflect back on it at the end of the day, what perspective will we take... I have found that after a horrid day, obviously we look negatively back at the day, but in the case of where I am right now, I am having a great weekend, so I look back at the suckie part with a sort of joy that,
"wow I made it through this hellish sort of week, God thank you so much for providing for me your love and grace, and guidance"
So when in fact sometimes we find ourselves down, if we can really attempt to look at good and bad at least equally, for every bad comment or thought think a positive one, we truly can defeat the spirit of down-ness... Now I'm not saying that being depressed or sad is bad, God has giving us those emotions so we can healthily deal with certain situations in our life. But it is good to focus more on the positive than the negative...
SO for the rest of my weekend, I went to a soccer game on Saturday. HU-Shawnee State, we won 5-0, good times... found out that I can take pictures for money for the school paper, definitely going to check that out :)... Had a good time at Pizza Hut Saturday night with some of the HU guys, played some wow, chilled on facebook. Woke up Sunday, went to the 509, had a great service. I might be in another worship band possibly, it would be cool to be in the worship stuff so I can focus on the task that God has for me here. Which is school. I know that everything is going to be great. I just hope that in the long-run, someone can be apart of the grand scheme of my life.
So.... its Sunday 2:22pm and I am going to get some new guitar strings... I look forward to putting them on my guitar, it will be a fresh sound, sort of like this fresh perspective that GOd has provided for me. God thank you for everything. Especially the people you've placed in my life to help me through these difficult times. I'm sure its just the beginning, but regardless I know you will provide... Thanks be to God