Fall 2011,
When I thought about what I'd be doing this fall fours years ago, I sure as heck thought I would be graduated and teaching math. But, now, I'm studying history, getting ready to take the LSAT, and hopefully going to law school in the fall of 2012. Not only has this year had it's ups and downs, growth and hindrance, but it's had its astoundingly joyous moments. I proposed to Kaitlyn Mullin on July 10th of this year 2011. When she said yes, she made me the happiest man in the world, at least as far as I know :). God has been so good to us, and I can't wait to see what He has for us in the future.
On top of this, I've realized that this year is crucial for our success as a family one day. This year, I'm going to work to make sure I don't waste my time. I will enjoy my last year in college as well as making it worth every minute. I want to ensure that I continue to grow towards the man of God He would want me to be, as well as growing my mind into a fierce machine of logical argumentation. I have really dug into life and what it means to be human lately. I've been frustrated, exhilarated, over-stimulated, and contemplative. It's been an intense process. At the end of the day I'm thankful for the questions that have been answered as well as the new ones come about.
I'm excited for this year, and I can't wait to start posting more again. Sorry it's been a while to anyone following. Thanks