Biology, the Science of Life, and living things.
Well I think that Biology is obviously necessary but I don't feel that I need to know about the structures of a plant cell in order to live out my days on this earth. Being a math person, I tend to lean towards why things work mathematically, not what happens within living things. That does sound ignorant and I know that its not necessarily being a great student but I am open to new insight. For instance I used to totally be anti-evolution, but this year I had Professor Hill as my Biology Instructor, and he was a great teacher for me because he opened me up to the possibility that we may have evolved or evolution occurred and its not against the Bible. What a thought, I never really thought that it could be possible, but now it all seems clearer in a fuzzy sort of way. It's fascinating to think that even though I particularly can not stand Biology that it does drive me to learn more about the world in my non-student life. Biology is not all that bad i guess after all. So just think about Biology, and stuff.
1 comment:
I always hated anything in science (except physics) until someone told me this: "Look at it from an evangelical point of view: it's not that you'll need this information to survive in life, it's that one day you may meet someone fascinated with science and you'll have a common ground to converse with him from the "pointless" things you learned in school. This is how we start to bring people to Christ." Dunno why I just told you that, but anyway . . .
From your profile and posts so far you seem like a really grounded person. I like your blog so far.
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