Friday, May 16, 2008

OK I am able to somewhat type again, 4 the most part.

Hello all, 

Well after a week and a half of having almost no mobility in my arm, I am able to type fluently again. So it is good to be able to update you all on my status. My Physical therapy is going well Praise God!!!! It hurts but its going well so its a trade off. I've noticed that while I have been out of commission I pray a lot more, but my Bible reading significantly decreases. I have become so lazy with it, and its time to start it up again. I am hopefully going to start this weekend at focusing on my daily devotionals, and to increase the amount of involvement in God's word, As Christians, the Bible is our tool to learn and fill ourselves with God's own words. Now that is a stretch to some, but I personally believe the scripture 2 Timothy 3:16 when it says

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness,"

Now I am not a perfect person, but I am at least going to make a valiant effort to get back into the Word, I will keep my blog posted on how i am doing and try to also associate how i am doing on a 1-10 scale spiritually, I am mainly going to do this to help myself, I hope that it may encourage everyone else that reads this. So Stay Classy World Wide Web, and God Bless


from 1-10 I am about a 2 spiritually, and that is with no reading this week. 

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