Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mafia Wars!!!!

So facebook can really get you caught into apps that consume some time... 

For instance, Mafia Wars!

Basically I have spent the last month and a half working on this app called Mafia Wars. Its an interesting text-based RPG in which I am Don Burgess, level 63 making 11 million theoretical dollars every 54 minutes. I only wish I could make that much money in that short of time, but in truth that will never happen, because I will never be a crazy unstoppable mob boss. 

So its borderline a text based GTA, which means it could be a best seller ever. Actually its knd of funny because there is this add on the app that says to vote for it in some award ceremony. O well. 

SO this has all been in vain jus a simple statement of a current event in my life.


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