Saturday, October 3, 2009

October has arrived...


So yea life has been life lately.

I have felt tons better about everything after having dropped my Abstract Algebra class. It was stressin me out hardcore, and I am so so glad I dropped it. I am really missing a certain someone, I wish I could at least communicate with them, or see how they are doing; maybe one day... I hope at least...

Other than that.... we won our championship game today in Powderpuff football, as a part of the Deatheaters coaching staff I am so proud of the girls who worked hard and fought to win today. Ryan great play calling, its an honor to work under you as a coach, and Jared u just rock in general brotha!

This year has been so far one of the most emotionally rollercoaster-y I've ever had in my entire life. Just with everything that has occurred and the things that continue to unfold and take place. I'm skeptical somedays as I turn every corner wondering if I'm going to get hit with another problem or learning experience. I know that GOd will provide a way through it all.

So yea I've also been writing some songs lately and I want to post them on here so I will probably do that sooner or later. So keep checkin the blog, thanks and God Bless


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