I'm waiting for the little guy to pop up on the screen across the street, so I can walk across to the other side. What I mean by this is simply I am in a place where I sort have to wait. I mean that figuratively of course, because if I just sat around and waited I would fail out of school.
I am not anywhere near where I thought I was going to be if you had asked me three years ago, even one year ago. I have experienced more in the last year than I thought I could have handled, but I have an amazing God, who loves me everyone else out there. I have made some mistakes, done some things i'm not proud of, but who has a clean slate? No one of course. We can try to put on a an act, but at the end of the day when we look ourselves in the mirror, we know we screwed up. We know that we are a failure at life in a lot of ways (at least I know I am). I need God, that's for darn sure.
I have known what it is like to lose a friend, love someone who hates you, be awakened by a nightmare only to find that when you wake up it doesn't go away. I know what it feels like to hurt, as I know a lot of people do. My hurt and pains are not all in vain, for God has used them to make me stronger. If you would have asked me a year ago if I would ever go to Japan, let alone Asia for that matter, I would have surely said "no". But God brought me to Asia with a great group of people and that country changed my life.
I believe that God will bring me back there someday, I don't know how or when but I just feel it. God is faithful and consistent. He is with us in our biggest blunders, and although those decisions we make are not necessarily in alignment with His will, He is able and willing to right our wrongs. We just have to believe and know that Christ's death and gift was FO REALS!
So as I sit here waiting on God's calling me across the street, I will continue to learn, pray, get hurt, feel joy, cry, stumble, get back up and start again, or do whatever, but I will always know that He is there...
God Bless
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