As March comes to an end I have but a few thoughts to share,
This month was one of the greatest in the history of my life. I got to spend half of it with a woman who has already changed my life forever, for good, for the best, in the most positive ways one human being can change another. Kaitlyn Mullin, my girlfriend, is the most amazing person I've come across, and have had the pleasure of knowing and growing fond of. I love her more than I can describe in man made words. The words that would properly describe my feelings for her are probably not of this world. She just simply amazes me more every day as I perpetually fall more in love with her every minute of every day.
This month has made me realize something crucial. I have thought previously that I needed to do some growing up. But, this month, or with the closing of this month, I've realized that I have more to learn and grow than ever before. With my assignments for school rearing their ugly faces I also face getting a job, getting an internship, finalizing things with a band, starting a new chapter of social interaction - my circle of friends is altering significantly for the third time in three years (I think that's correct, maybe two times, either way more than I'd like), as well as looking ahead at financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally preparing for a marriage. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the beginning of this last school year I thought I was going to just more or less coast and put most of my efforts at being in a band. I gave it my all, and I felt like it was going to maybe actually be what I wanted - even though I would have only been kidding myself to not know that I really have always, ALWAYS wanted a beautiful, loving wife more than anything else in this life - but that wasn't enough.
I didn't feel like I was being realistic. When I left TAHBI, or was asked to leave TAHBI, I realized that the band was not what I really wanted out of life, more specifically, my life during and closely after college. I think my leaving has brought new inspiration to the other members - good for them - but I am left with a lack of support on the home front until Kait is back home. I realize that It's OK and that it's how things happen sometimes. THINGS CHANGE, PLANS CHANGE, and it is OK. So now... I'm looking at a whole new set of options, or a whole new direction; a direction that I happen to really find appealing.
I want to be the man of God that He wants me to be. For that to happen, this growth must occur. The first step has been realizing that. Ok whew, now that that's over... what do I do now???? Who knows honestly? I know a few things. I love Jesus, I love Kaitlyn Mullin, I'm going to law school - first I guess I'm studying for the LSAT - after I graduate, I'm getting married hopefully before I go to law school, I want to play music - for God - for the rest of my life in some capacity, and that's about all I know... oh and I'm the founding president of the new Pre-Law Society at Huntington University - sounds pretty cool I guess :). These things I know... I will just keep going I guess. For now it's time for bed. Tomorrow: a new day, awaiting my progress toward growth and refinement through fire.
Much Love and Blessings to all!
P.S. if you don't know the pic is my amazing girlfriend! :)
1 comment:
Kris, this stuff sounds awesome. I'm proud of who you've become. I'm so glad I got to know you last year!
Love from Japan,
Jessica Bauman
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