My Life...
I am going to be a little frank in this blog entry. Ahead of time I would like to warn anyone reading that I am about to use some language that might be considered explicit. I forewarn anyone that is offended by language to maybe skim over or delve into why I am using the language.
With that said... I believe that all human beings are allowed to be put through a lot of shit in their lifetimes. I think some people have different degrees of shit in their lives. Some people just have a little bit, others more, some a whole massive pile of shit. I use this specific phrase because of how much we as americans hate shit. We all have bodily waste and excrement, and we all want nothing to do with it. A little bit of that smell goes a long way as we all know. I bring it up simply because I feel like lately I have had to deal with a lot of... well shit...
I can't say that i'm innocent of everything, because we all know that a lot of the things that happen to us are our own doing, but I know that some is not. I have been through a lot more than I would like to mention on the emotional spectrum of things as well as being overwhelmed with the looming school work that is going to be due in the incoming weeks. I found out two days ago that my dad has a heart that is almost fully blocked by "shit" that gathers as we eat food that is not healthy for us. I am still not entirely sure what I want to do with my life. I have been still mentally trying to sort things out that I feel were never quite solved. Regardless of what it is, there is a lot of it. I am in a storm of just overwhelming amounts of shit, or at least it feels dirty, nasty, and smelly, like our feces. So what I propose is that we just look at who's got our back...
Jesus Christ died... 2000 or some odd years ago a week ago today,
He died so that we could give him our shit... we were stained with sin and disgrace and everything imaginable, and he just said "hey dump it on me". Why? Because he was some nice guy who wanted to look good on national television? No... Christ died so that we could live a life full of freedom. He died to cleanse us from the shit of the world. It was not a pretty death, it was not graceful. It was bloody, gory, horrible and full of all the nasty the world could offer. All the suffering represented our shit. The stuff we deal with because of the unenlightened decisions we make. Yet Christ knew exactly what He was doing. He came down to earth because of His love for us. His desire for his bride to live free.
I just wanted to kind of talk some things through and remind anyone reading that...
We have all messed up, no one is perfect and never will be. Christ did die for us, after having lived a perfect life. He died so that we could be rid of all our shit, and give it to Him to sort out.
What an amazing God we have...
Lord, please just continue to guide me and all those who know you as their lord. To those who have not yet decided to follow you, bring them to that point. Thank you again God for the gift of your only son.
Truth filled post. Thanks.
Prayers are going out as I type this.
I've been through a few things, if you need an ear to lean on outside the normal circle let me know.
It's ALL in His hands
In Christ,
Jim D.
Good stuff.
Hey, I graduate in 4 weeks and I still don't know what I want to do with my life!
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