Friday, August 20, 2010

From there to here to next...

So I am back home... I actually got back from camp last friday...

But I wanted to address the current status of life and what's ahead...

Camp was... wow... absolutely amazing! I can't believe all the experience I gained and friends I met. Including all the love that God showed and helped me show to kids. One thing is for certain now that I am home though... this place is not camp :/

I come back home and already feel the pull of the world and my nature that I try to put to death tugging away at my heart. It's literally like I left a bubble when I drove away from camp. The thing that I do have now is a great community to help me sustain my relationship with Christ and others. I had it at Huntington, but not seeing most of the people from school all summer was and is sort of suckie. So having another group of Christians along side me was a huge blessing...

So now I have great friends at home (Christian and non), great friends in Missouri, great friends in Michigan, great friends in Indiana, and some great friends and connections in Japan. 10 years ago I would have never dreamed I'd be where I am in my life right now. I look forward to the challenges that God has for me this year. I already feel like He has presented some. One being closure with pain and breaking free from my worries...

Closure to pain is something that I have always struggled with. I re-vist and replay harm and pain caused to me over and over again for some unhealthy reason that i've never quite been sure of (I purposely used a ton of repetitive words there to get the point across). I have realized that all the pain I feel and endure is there for a reason and I am to learn and grow from it, not keep picking the scabs that life cuts into my soul. The scars of mistakes and mishaps are what define who we are and I have to start looking to God to help me heal these cuts and bruises. Not only that but use the community I have around me. We simply cannot go it alone in this life. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ to come and listen to our brokenness. If it weren't for others to hear us and build us up, it would be a lonely existence. God designed us to fellowship with each other and that's exactly what I am going to do... through the good and bad.

Worries... lol that is another huge one... specifically not knowing what I am going to do with my life, when am I going to meet my future wife, and where am I going to end up this next year. I still hold to these pretty tight although I have really tried to analyze how I can start letting go. The one I've made ground on is where I am going to end up... because I am pretty much finally at peace with the fact that next summer may be the first summer I don't live at home for an extended period of time... it's scary and exciting, but I am ready to let God mold my life into what He wants...

This is what's current in my life... I hope that it resounds with someone who reads... regardless though I hope you as the reader are having a wonderful day. God Bless


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