Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today is a new day...

God you've got the controls...

This is going to be a great year...

No matter what comes my way, don't let it run me over...


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today in the life of KB

Today is a day in which a lot comes to my mind... I am getting ready to officially start a different phase of my life that is sure to send some challenges my way. I look forward to seeing how God works through the path he's laid before me...

One weekend ago I made one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make... I know that it was a decision that was well thought out and talked out... I also have one of the greatest friends I could ask for supporting me in that deicison...

God is going to work through whatever comes my way I know that... but at times it feels almost impossible to overcome the obstacles thrown in my way... I'm sure I'm not alone in that, people experience stressful times everyday, week, month, year, but God is faithful... part of me wonders sometimes why God has led me to where I am... I pray and pray and try to listen and listen and sometimes I just feel like He is mute (I know deep down He's not) but it becomes very frustrating...

So anyway I start school a week from tomorrow and I hope that I can get the job done this year, because that is what this whole change has been all about... I look forward to seeing Abby again, she's pretty awesome... and yea she's the friend I was talking about earlier :) 

So anyways i'll keep on bloggin God bless


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

With God.......

In life we find that there are moments in which we are totally and utterly lost for a course of action... In these moments we all turn to something... whether it be ourselves, or some other form of comfort or guidance we all turn to something. I turn to the One who has literally saved my life from the depths of hell. That One is God, Jesus, the Saviour of man... Now I realize that there are skeptics and nay-sayers when God is talked about but I just want to let all who read know that God has guided my life, and carried me most of the way. God has given me something to hold to when all of my earthly logic and knowledge fail. God is so good that He is an arm's reach away from us, ready to hold us tight if we let him. 

When I now find myself in a time of storm and chaos, maybe not in the physical being of myself but in my emotional state of being. God I need you now as much as I ever have before. Maybe more... Lord help me to realize what you would have me do. I feel you in my life, just please stay with me the whole way, lead me along your peaceful pastures. God provide comfort and joy for when there is none to be found. Provide strength when I am weak. Give me peace in the turmoil. God I need you so bad right now... please... I love you Lord...


Monday, August 10, 2009


In life we have times in which we are at a loss of words...

Some of those moments are because of overwhelming joy...

Some are from moments of being humbled like never before...

Some are from shock and pure awe of a situation...

And others... are because of anger that feels untamable...

I have experienced all of these in the last month or two. Most of them because of an amazing special girl whom I'm sure you all know is Abby Dilling, the one whom I hold dear to my heart :)...

All of these but the last...

I will save sharing the story but I just am at a point right now where I am going to have to utterly depend on God because of my lack of understanding. I feel that I am having to let lose on those I know won't judge me... is that right????? 

I don't think so but its my temporary way of dealing with it, until tomorrow when I am going to force myself to spend time with God and just listen to what he is laying on my heart. 

If you read this and are a praying person, please pray for me....


Friday, August 7, 2009

What do I think?

Well I think the world is in a conundrum right now. 

Who knows what the Eff is going on?????

Now a poem

Wind in the lilies, blowing with a calm scent of cotton
Lonely for a second, feeling the sense of a hole... in the heart
Then with conversing, comes a sense of relief
The love is still there, as will it always be even though there are
Lapses of trains... called thought. 
Within the guardrails of society, free thought is cornered
But, love can not be broken, who can stop the rivers of love
Man??? God???? 
Who really knows, maybe the gremlin, maybe the sooth sayer, 
maybe the man in the box, maybe the man in the tall steel building,
Death and taxes are inevitable, yet memories and contributions live on
God is good, no blemish... the rest of mankind will say that He is all about wrath
Part of the world will say he loves above all... which is it?
Well that is for a reader to decide, to read all the words the earth screams and
decipher what they mean, their intentions, their weakness, their strength
All in all, where will we go, the young man knows, but the man of grey is swayed...
God is love, no matter the tide of the ocean, or the direction of tree branches...
Evolsi Dog is the phrase of truth, 

God Bless


Monday, August 3, 2009

A day.... is another day.....

To all who read...

So I have made official one of the hardest decisions in my life...

I know that God has it all covered, but dang its hard to see where He is going to lead sometimes. I thank God for all the great friends and family I've been blessed with. Its been a crazy awesome summer in a lot of ways, almost too many ways to count. I can't imagine where I will be next year this time. 

James "the Blur" Kerr...
I love you bro. You are the best friend a guy could ask for. Nothing and no one could ever replace you man. We've been through the rough times and the good ones, and made it through em all, I can't wait to see what God has for both of us. Its gonna be tizzight!!!!!

Bruce Bruce Brown "84/165"
You are my best bro from back home man, the 513 4 life. Bro you've been a best bud for a longtime and I look forward to seeing the future man. Love ya man.

Josh Donaldson
ROOMIE!!! yea the only guy I have had the pleasure of living with. Not in a gay way obviously. But yea we have had our ups and downs but bro I know that I'll always be there for you and u for me. All those times u takin me to the hospital haha. You've seen me at my worst, and know what I look like when I'm a soppy mess and still call me a bro. Thanks and I love ya

To all my other bros that have been there, espeically my K2s brothas. Thanks and God Bless you for everything.

Life is too short to live alone, make friends, good ones, and keep em, never let em go, because somedays u find that on this earth a friend is all you've got...
