Saturday, October 16, 2010

Turn of the vent... ??? Oh, a turn of events :)

Today, marks, the fourth of my five fall break experiences...

One more undergraduate fall break...

That is crazy to think about...

Anywho... I am starting the fall break off right: STAYING UP LATE! I am online currently browsing facebook and skyping. It's great, because the talk and conversation I am carrying on is just absolutely refreshing... and it's as if I have been drinking slightly salty water for months, and years, and all of a sudden I am surrounded by ice cold bottled water! God is most definitely good, and I am praying that this time I can sink my teeth into His will for my life. I've been in such a dark haze of late. Everything has seemed dull and borderline worthless. Music and my British Empire class have been two of the only things keeping me afloat, and the band has been tougher, but is improving... Then a friend talked to me, and made me realize that... "Wow, I really need to take another look at my life, and step back, and listen to God. Not just listen to Him, but truly pursue Him and seek His heart"

God is in the chaotic mess that is life. God is truly ready to pick us up when we need Him. In this case, he used one of my really good friends to talk some sense into me. I was definitely contemplating making some seriously bad decisions and the whole time in moments of strength i'd cry out to God for anything He could give. He did show up in my life, and let down the safety line, it was up to me to grab hold and not let go... for the longest time I have been sitting in the water deciding whether to grab the rope. These days, I decided to grab it, and hold on, to start letting the power of God lift me out of my $hitty mindset and into His arms.

God has placed some specific people in my life, and I need to be grateful that He has allowed me to have such great friends and mentors. I need to just keep digging into who He's made me to be, because I think i'm on the verge of a breakthrough.

God thank you for raising my spirits, please give me the courage to seek to please you above all others on this earth.


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