Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I know but...

So I know I have blogged a lot lately, but a lot has gone on...

Today I have decided that closure will be in the form of a letter. Hopefully it is accepted by the person I send it to, if not, they can't say I didn't try. I am so very sorry to have caused them any pain. I never intended to. I loved them, and truly cared for them. I hope and pray that they will continue to seek after God and His will for their life, but my part in their life is now officially over as far as I'm concerned. They don't want me in their life, so I will respect that. I may never understand why, but that doesn't matter anymore. I am done, and I am going to move on and learn from my mistakes.

Letters can be influential. I hope mine explains something. I hope that they can receive it and know that I never intended pain. I never wanted to pierce an exposed heart, or crush a trusting spirit, but the events that have taken place wouldn't have occurred unless I did something, so I apologize. I am who I am, who God has made me to be, I'm not perfect, but I do the best I can with what I have.

God knows my heart.

Thank you are all who have read, and prayed for me through this. I couldn't have made it without u all. Thank you for all who have listened to my pathetic self through the groveling and whining. I promise to be there for all of you when you need it most. I can't repay you enough. God Bless you all. Thanks again


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